*Creative Quarterly 72 Runner-up Graphic Design

The goal for this project was to create a mantra poster. I chose the phrase "perspective changes all" because it is a phrase that I repeat myself constantly to challenge me to always have a good mentality when I am facing various trials. This mantra refers to the decision I need to make to choose to have a good perspective even when my life can be upside down.
I designed the letter templates and build all the letters because it allowed me to variate the heights and widths of the letters to allude to different kinds of problems. The letters of "PERSPECTIVE" are stacked in an irregular way to create chaos. This symbolizes the events in life where everything seemed unbalanced or unable to be solved. However, the shadow of the reflected light, which symbolizes the decision, casts the word "perspective" in the light which is a reminder that I can still see clarity in the midst of darkness. All the letters have handwritten verses of a virtue that reminds me what perspective I should have. For example, The letter "I" stands for Integrity and the "S" for selflessness.