This infographic was designed for my Advanced Design Practices class. The assignment consisted on creating an infographic relevant to my persona. I chose an infographic of Colombia's top exotic animals because I am Colombian and I want to raise awareness of the unique biodiversity of my country. This infographic captures the organic, rainforest quality of the country, while representing the habitat and altitude where the animals live.
In order to represent the habitats of the animals, I decided to use a geometric 3D graph because it allowed me to divide the sections and explore with altitudes with a unique approach. It also created a strong focal point while promoting a more interactive design. I illustrated all the graphics, animals, and most of the secondary design elements.
Colombia's Top Exotic Animals Infographic
* Graphis New Talent 2023 Awards Silver Medal

Colombia's Safari Travel Kit
In addition to the infographic, I was also challenged to design a box set as an extension of the topic of the infographic. I chose a safari kit because it is relevant to the topic and invites the audience to explore Colombia. My goal was to give an "Indiana Jones vibe" with an adventurous and vintage look. I created the business "ODYSSEY", designed the logo and all secondary design elements, built the leather bag tag, and the Safari Map. I used leather to brand all the items and maintain cohesiveness. I also decided to use different textures for each divider because I wanted to emphasize in the different ecosystems found in Colombia and shown on the infographic.

The creative process for this project was a lot of fun, challenged me to think 3D and to be cohisive with the branding and infographic. Here is a glance at my preliminary sketches: