Meliora is a cosmetic company created for my Corporate Identity Class. 'Meliora' is the Latin word for positivity and better things to come. The brand empowers women to be their best selves and to influence society. We recognize that beauty lies within you, and we are here to complement it and instill confidence in you. The packaging features an 'identity wall' designed to edify and serve as a constant reminder to women of their worth. The imagery emphasizes women who inspire self-love and warmth
Subsidiary | Skin Care Company
Natura is one of the subsidiary companies for Meliora. Natura is the Latin word for “Natural” and “nature” and consists on a skincare company that emphasizes on the power of nature for beauty. In overall, similar brand standards as Meliora were used to maintain consistency between the parent company and the subsidiary. The abstract logo showcases a flower and the idea of sunrise, which relates to Natura’s mission to help women radiate from the inside out. The cosmetic catalog was an extension developed on my publication design class. The catalog maintains a clean and warm look while highlighting  Natura collections. The packaging is simple and organic, strengthening the idea of simple and natural ingredients.

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