The goal for this assignment was to choose a social issue of my interest and develop a campaign consisting on 2 billboards and a print Ad for a magazine. I chose distracted driving because it is an issue that should not be taken lightly and have caused an average of 3,100 fatalities a year. For my concept,  I wanted to emphasize the children as victims of distracted driving because they symbolize innocence and hope. 
I took all the photos of the Ad,  wrote the copywriting, and used photoshop to put the Ad together. I painted the pedestrian crosswalk lines to add context and a specific scenario. I decided to unsaturate the image in exception of the toy because I wanted to avoid negative impressions,  be sensible and honoring about the topic, and refrain from creating distractions. The toys are still in color in order to have a strong emphasis and provoke the viewer's imagination to wonder what happened to the child carrying that toy. 

*Graphis New Talent 2023 Silver Award

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